Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The "Iglesia Christiana China" have services every Tuesday at 9:30am to serve the needs of restaurant and shop owners. These folks cannot break away on Sunday mornings so this service was setup specially for them.

They started with a prayer meeting at 8:30am, which was followed by Sunday School and then the Service. Mr Sit who is another local pastor working there gave the sermon.

We then split up into 6 groups. So the ten of us along with 8 of them went to Alajuela to visit folks at their business. Most of them are in restaurant and small corner store business. We are putting a gospel service on Thursday in Alajuela and we invited them to come. We visited 24 business

The second lady on the left came to Christ after the group with Kenny and Virginia visited them.

Kenny almost lost his backpack on this McDonalds. A stranger came and approached their table and offered to buy them tea. We was kind of annoying, but somehow Kenny thought that something was wrong. Immediately he reached to grab his back pack and to this surprise it was moving. Someone behind him was trying to take it. After Kenny shouted something (fairly appropriate I trust) the two guys ran out the back door into a car that was waiting for them. Good safe by Kenny.


  1. GO PAPA! Show them a whipping :P


  2. way to go Kenny!
    we continue to pray for you all
    yall take care

